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Junk Removal Services in Marietta: Flo Junk Removal & Hauling LLC

Mar 20

Are you looking for a junk removal service that offers quality service for a reasonable price? You should look no further than Flo Junk Removal & Hauling LLC. We are a reputable junk removal company that offers 24/7 service, so you can count on us to get the job done correctly. Our prices are fair and we always take care of our customers. call us today to schedule your free consultation!

What is Junk Removal?

Junk removal services are a great method of getting rid of old, used furniture, broken and damaged appliances. Junk removal can include items such as vehicles, boats, and RVs. Junk removal services can help clean up your space quickly and effortlessly.

Different types of Junk

Junk Removal Services: Flo Junk Removal & Hauling LLC

When it comes to junk removal there are kinds of junk homeowners should be aware of. These are the most common kinds of junk that homeowners must be aware of and the best ways to dispose of these types of junk.

  1. Furniture and appliances: When getting rid of appliances and furniture homeowners should first look for an area for recycling or donating to pick them up. If this isn't possible homeowners should look for a Junk Removal Service to take the furniture and appliances away.
  2. Trash The first step is to attempt to locate the nearest recycling or dumpster facility that will take their trash away. If that is impossible homeowners can search for a Junk Removal Service to take it away.
  3. Debris: Homeowners must first solicit their neighbors or relatives to take away it on their behalf. If this is not feasible then they should look for an Junk Removal Service to remove the debris for them.

Why should you get rid of Junk?

Junk Removal Services: Flo Junk Removal & Hauling LLC offers professional junk removal services to the Greater Cleveland area. Our team is outfitted with the most modern junk removal equipment and techniques and we will finish your junk removal job completed swiftly and efficiently.

One of the most crucial elements to consider when selecting a junk removal service is confidence. You need to be confident that the company will take care of all the details necessary for completing your project efficiently. At Flo Junk Removal & Hauling LLC We are committed to providing excellent customer service seriously. We will work hard to satisfy your requirements and make sure that your junk removal is smooth.

Costs for removing junk:

There are a few things to be aware of when calculating the cost of junk removal. The weight and size of the objects, their location they're placed, and the complexity of the task will affect the final cost.

Weight and size:

The heavier and more expensive the item, both in terms of weight and cost, will increase. To move large or heavy objects by hand the use of a tow truck is needed.


Items that are located in difficult or dangerous locations (near the edge of a cliff, for example) can be more costly than regular junk removal jobs. Likewise, removing items from an interior space could be more costly than taking them from an exterior location.

The job is complex.

More complex jobs, such as taking furniture down - are likely to cost more than simple tasks such as moving trash cans from one part of the house to another.

How do you choose the best Junk Removal Company

For many people, the notion of having to take away their junk can put them in a state of disarray. With an experienced junk removal business the task is surprisingly easy and effective.

The first step in choosing the right company is to assess your requirements. Are you looking for a truckload of junk or a full trailer? When you've determined the amount of trash you'll have to take in then you can begin to think about the price.

Prices can vary based the size of your load is and where it will be taken. The majority of companies offer discounts on bigger loads.

After you've selected the company you want to work with and have established the rates they charge, it's time to start. Prior to loading your cargo onto the truck examine it for potential hazards.

You should have all the necessary paperwork in case you need it. If everything goes as planned, don't forget to thank the Junk Removal Company!


If you're in search of a reliable junk removal service, Flo Junk Removal & Hauling LLC is the ideal option. Our skilled team will quickly and efficiently eliminate all of the junk in your home, leaving behind no mess. We provide a variety of junk removal services, make sure you choose one that is best suited to your requirements and make an appointment today!

Name      Flo Junk Removal and Hauling LLC

Address Marietta, Georgia